via National Heritage Board/LinkedIn: Curator position available in Singapore specialising in Maritime Archaeology. No details on closing date, so if you plan to apply, do so sooner than later!
The Senior Curator/Curator for Maritime Archaeology will research, interpret, and make accessible to the public ACM’s collections relating to maritime archaeology and the history of maritime trade in Singapore and Southeast Asia.
ACM is custodian of an extensive collection of Chinese and Southeast Asian ceramics, including many found in documented shipwrecks – most prominently, the cargo of the ninth century Tang Shipwreck. Travelling shows from ACM featuring the treasures of the Tang Shipwreck are in high demand from museums all around the world.
These maritime archaeology collections also include more than 9 tonnes of archaeological materials (ceramics, metal and some organic objects) dating to the 14th and the 18th centuries, providing insights into the early maritime trading history of Singapore and the region.
Source: Senior Curator/Curator, Maritime Archaeology | National Heritage Board | LinkedIn