Books on Southeast Asian Archaeology

    To cite this page: Tan, Noel Hidalgo (2021, updated 11 March 2023) Books. Southeast Asian Archaeology. Available at:
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    Looking for book recommendations, or even a list of free books? A good place to start is this crowdsourced list of the most influential books on Southeast Asian Archaeology. There are also book recommendations in the individual country pages.

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    Archaeological Projects in Southeast Asia
    A list of past and present archaeological project websites
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    Job postings, scholarships and funding opportunities

    New Books

    These are a list of recently-released books related to Southeast Asian archaeology on Amazon. These are affiliate links, so I may receive a commission if you click on them and buy them, but they will not come at an extra cost to you.

    Free Books

    From time to time there are notices of books that are released free for download. They are listed here, but note that they usually link to external sites and I have no control over their validity.

    News Archive on Books

    The news reports indexed below usually link to external sites that were active at the time of posting; sometimes websites may be temporarily down or may have reorganised their underlying architecture or have even closed down – in these cases the links may not be available. Please note the dates and deadlines of the conferences, as they may already have passed.

    Links to External Sites

    These are links to external sites and unless stated, I have no connection with the organisations or entities in these links or control over their content. They are sorted alphabetically, but you should also explore the Resources page which have links sorted by themes. If you have a link to suggest, please get in touch!

    • Areca Books – Based out of Penang, Has a niche focus on works on social history, biographies, cultural heritage, architecture, the environment and visual arts
    • Angkor Database – Online resource by MAADS Living Cambodia in association with Templation Angkor Hotel Siem Reap, holding a collection of digital and print books about Angkor.
    • Buku Buku Press – Bookseller specialising in rare and out-of-print books from Malaysia
    • Fine Arts Department Bookstore – Run by the Fine Arts Department of Thailand. Most publications are in Thai.
    • ISEAS Publishing – Bookstore portal for the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, with a small selection of books related to archaeology and culture.
    • NUS Press – National University of Singapore Press publishes books related to Southeast Asian history, archaeology and culture.
    • River Books – Specialist publisher based out of Thailand with a selection of archaeology and cultural heritage-related articles from the region.
    • SEAMEO SPAFA Publications – Most of SEAMEO SPAFA’s publications going back 40 years can be download from this site as PDFs [Disclosure: I work full-time for SEAMEO SPAFA and I manage this publications page as well].
    • UCL Press – An Open Access press run by University College London. The link goes to the archaeology books page.

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