Another upcoming lecture at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies by Dr Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz, on the archaeology of West Sumatra.
Settlement Archaeology of Late 14th to 17th Century in West Sumatra
Dr. Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz, Research Associate, Freie Universität Berlin
Date: Monday, 24 June 2013
Time: 10.30 am– 12.00 nn
Venue: ISEAS Seminar Room II
The Freie Universität Berlin’s “Tanah Datar” archaeological project aims to reconstruct early settlement patterns and document the material culture of the Minangkabau in West Sumatra. During the 14th century, the last Hindu- Buddhist king Ādityavarman established his kingdom in this highland area. Various dated stone inscriptions are the oldest documents for this early phase of history.
The potential seat of this kingdom lies on the large mound called Bukit Gombak where settlement features and habitation debris from the 14th and 17th centuries were unearthed in 2011–2012. Excavations at smaller sites and a pre-Islamic burial site including regional surveys provided evidence of a dense settlement pattern in the region. Distributional studies of the habitation deposits offer a number of important observations about the growth of this trading center, the expansion of foreign trade relations, status-related differences and the evolution of craft activity such as metal and earthenware production.
Registration required, details here.