via the American Council of Learned Societies: Several funding opportunities from the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation towards Buddhist studies, which may be of interest to some readers.
Launched in 2014, the Program in Buddhist Studies, administered by the American Council of Learned Societies, has promoted the academic study of Buddhism and the dissemination of knowledge of Buddhism through support for dissertations, research, and writing, and by assisting institutions to establish new, tenure-track teaching positions. Annual symposia have fostered networks and knowledge sharing.
The renewal of support for this program this year by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global, marks a turning point in several respects. In the coming three years (2021-24) ACLS will build on these initiatives and expand their reach.
- An explicit turn toward Asia to include Buddhist scholars and communities
- Enhancing the public spread of Buddhist values and insights through a Buddhism Public Scholars program
- Expanding the worldwide audience for Buddhist studies by supporting Fellows’ translations and publicly accessible scholarly writing
These are global competitions. There are no restrictions as to the location of work proposed or the citizenship/residence of applicants. The final products of research may be in any language. However, all applications must be submitted in English.
Buddhist studies engage Buddhist traditions as well as contemporary developments in many fields, including history, philosophy, archaeology, art history, anthropology, philology, and studies of religion. For the purpose of these competitions, Buddhist studies are defined broadly.
The program will annually sponsor three types of workshops
- For recent dissertation Fellows to discuss work in progress with peers and senior scholars
- For early career scholars preparing manuscripts for publication
- For scholars in Asia for writing effective applications and articles for international publication
All eligible scholars anywhere in the world are welcome to apply.
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies, administered by ACLS, is committed to inclusion, equity, and diversity as integral components of merit that enhance the scholarly enterprise. It is a priority of this program that cohorts of Fellows and grantees be broadly inclusive of different backgrounds, cultures, and any aspects that make one unique. In Buddhist studies we seek balance in regard to citizenship and university affiliation, as well as in languages, topics, Buddhist traditions, and locations of research.
Source: The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies – ACLS